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What Should You Keep In Your Bedside Table?

What Should You Keep In Your Bedside Table?

The items keep in your bedside table might help you sleep better.

The Importance of a Well-stocked Nightstand

Most nightstands wind up being one of two things: a catch-all for everything that comes into your bedroom, or a completely under-utilized place. Reduce yours to the bare minimum to get a better night’s sleep and wake up radiant and rejuvenated.

A Good Book

Switching on your light can seem counterproductive when you’re tossing and turning, but opening out a book is a certain method to zonk off quickly. Reading diverts your attention away from the pressures that are causing you to become agitated, but it is also soothing enough to help you go off to sleep. Just make sure you have something soothing on your bedside instead of the latest thriller. Learn why reading is the most effective method to fall asleep.

Glass of Water

By the time you wake up in the morning, your body has gone 8 hours without water, assuming you receive a full night’s sleep. Keep a full glass of water on your bedside as a reminder to remain hydrated. Drinking eight ounces of water first thing in the morning will help you meet your hydration objectives for the day. In addition, if you wake up thirsty in the middle of the night, you won’t have to choose between staying warm in bed and avoiding the deadly cottonmouth. Examine your body for indications of dehydration.


Seattle Drawers Bedside Table | Oak Furniture Store & Sofas

Take a minute to pull out a notepad from your nightstand and jot down whatever is on your mind when you can’t stop worrying about all you have to accomplish tomorrow. The most urgent necessity is to get a good night’s sleep, however, writing down your concerns will assist ease your tension about tomorrow’s chores. You may finally get some rest, knowing that you won’t forget to pay the payment your racing mind just remembered. Don’t forget to check out these additional sleep doctor-approved suggestions for a better night’s sleep.

Eye Mask

Even if your shades are closed, light can creep into your room and prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. Put on a comfortable eye mask to keep things dark enough. You may need to try a few pairs before finding one that fits your head shape and blocks out all light, but once you do, you’ll enjoy greater sleep. Here are some more natural methods to fall asleep without resorting to sleeping drugs.

Alarm Clock

No, I’m not referring to your phone’s alarm clock feature. Any type of light can make it more difficult for your body to create the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, but blue light from your electronics has a particularly strong effect. When you go to bed, put your phone in a different room from your nightstand so you’re not tempted to conduct any social media surfing while you’re calming down. If you’re concerned about the possibility of an emergency, keep it in the room but out of your reach. Change your phone’s settings so that it only alerts you to calls that can’t wait, such as those from your children or siblings, before you go to bed. Here are some additional signs that you’re sleeping incorrectly.